Maybe you rush from work to daycare to home, only to frantically get dinner on the table, trying to work fast enough to outpace everyone's hunger. (Is there anything worse than cutting onions, tears streaming down your cheeks, while kids melt down at your ankles?) Maybe you’re on a spinning hamster wheel of laundry, cooking and cleaning. Maybe you’re a single mom and everything is on you. |
You see other parents who seem more patient and put together, while you sometimes feel you can barely make it through the day.
You’d love a break, but feel like you can’t do anything without making arrangements for your family. When you finally get some hours to yourself, you feel pressure to “make the most” of your time off. You used to be so smart and you can’t remember where you put your keys or finish a cup of coffee before it gets cold. You feel so different from the person you used to be, who believed anything was possible for her life. You’re afraid you’ll always be stuck in survival mode. You worry you won’t be able to do the things you’ve dreamed of without a major change in your life. |
You wake up ready for the day. There are still lunches to be packed and noses to wipe, but you can take care of it because you’re pouring from a full cup.
You look forward to what’s on your calendar. Things feel light and peaceful because you know what’s most important to focus on. You rest easier knowing, “I did that, great!” (vs. feeling like there’s so much left to do). |
You know that what you have is good vs. wondering if there’s something better out there. You accept what is - the beautiful and the hard parts.
Best of all, you feel better about your parenting, enjoy time with your kids, and do things you love guilt-free. You even feel you’re becoming more of who you’d like to be. You finally feel peaceful. Like you’re enough. Like you’re not behind or scrambling to keep up. You’re right where you need to be. |
Do any of these sound like you?
I totally get it.
Working with me, you’ll…
I'm proud of getting the help that I need to be a more whole person. |
Gracie Davis
Exercise instructor & mom of 3 |
After your Self Care Immersion Experience, you’ll…
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Two payments of $995 |
One payment of $1795 |
Step 1: Click a button below to pay for this personalized coaching experience and schedule your first 90 minute coaching session. Step 2: You’ll receive an email from me with a Welcome Packet to help you think through what you most want to work on and help me get to know you better so you can get the most value from our time together. Step 3: We'll have our first 90 minute session to clarify expectations for your coaching journey, get to know one another, and analyze the assessments and exercises from your Welcome Packet. With my guidance, you'll set your goal for your coaching journey and pick your first action steps to start feeling good in your everyday life. Step 4: We'll meet every other week for private, 60-minute coaching sessions to make sure you keep up the momentum and make the changes that you most want, so you can feel recharged and calm even when hard things happen! |
Most Flexible |
Best Value |
Two payments of $995 |
One payment of $1795 |
Brianne Killinger
Medical mama of 2 |
I’d absolutely recommend Charissa |
Tera Williams
Graduate student & mom of 2 |
I'm embracing the fact that I CAN do things! |
Amber Aiello Awosanya
Writer, teacher & mom of 1 |
Working with Charissa felt like an experience of having someone give me back to myself. |